Ευρωπαϊκά Προγράμματα Περ/κης Δν/σης Εκπ/σης Κρήτης



The members of the consortium that will take care of the project’s implementation are organisations with a sound experience in the cooperation with schools and in the field of projects’ design and completion. Moreover, the partnership includes experts in the field of video making, in order to produce and effective video interviews, which can move the youngsters and deliver a strong message.

All Rapport partner organisations are listed below:


logoerifoEnte per la Ricerca e la Formazione E.RI.FO (Italy) – coordinators

Mayo Education Centre (Ireland)

logo_cece Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza CECE (Spain)

logo_ipedInstitute for Private Enterprise and Democracy IPED (Poland)

logo+slogan Associazione seed (Switzerland)

fejlec_felirat_logo  Horváth & Dubecz (Hungary)

logo_gr  Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete (Greece)

2-SA-new-logo Superact (UK)