Ευρωπαϊκά Προγράμματα Περ/κης Δν/σης Εκπ/σης Κρήτης

Προωθητές Ευρ. Προγ/των



The project addresses to the unemployed 50+ adults who have no family, adults who are living in nursing homes or/and to seniors without a basic education; to groups of adults who are disadvantaged from social, economic and cultural points of view, and helps them to become active and share their experience.

2013 is the Year of the Active Citizenship and we would like, through various activities described in this application form, to motivate the adults to learn and acquire new skills. They will learn and have the opportunity to communicate into a foreign language, to use multimedia and computers in order to obtain audiovisual materials and promote the intercultural education. Social inclusion is also assured. The adults will realize in common sets of audiovisual materials and other didactic materials such as puppets embodying historical or literary characters, comics etc. Legends, culture and traditions, puppet theatre, drawing, painting, singing, traditional handmade objects and languages will be promoted by the target groups/trainees through artistic programmes, workshops and shows developed by the partner organizations in collaboration with primary and secondary schools and local authorities to help the institutionalized children/pupils or without parents/grandparents to avoid social exclusion.

In this way the adults play the role of grandparents, integrate themselves in a new social environment, start a new life and can even find new jobs and live a family life.

Information clubs and workshops will be set in order to assure the communication among the members of the target group and help them work together at European level.

Diversity will be promoted through a well-organized management in order to assure a high level of the non-formal and informal education.