Environmental Tourism – Alternative Ways
COMENIUS REGIO - 2012-GR1-COM13-10009 1
Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete
The Pilsen Region

Erasmus+ Sport
Environmental Tourism
Recent years have seen an unprecedented tourist advancement and a huge increase in international transport rates which resulted in the environmental decay of many regions of Europe.
Προγράμματα σχολείων

"Environmental Tourism – Alternative Ways", Comenius Regio consists of two main partner regions, Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, acting as a coordinator for the project and the Pilsen Region.

Six (6) core group meetings, comprising representatives from the main regional partners and the associated partners in each region, will take place three times per year in alternating venues both to Crete and Pilsen region.
Alternative Tourism - School approaches
"Alternative Tourism - School approaches"
Project Comenius-Regio "Enviromental Tourism-Alternative ways", Vasilis Manassakis - project coordinator
"Enviromental Education in Greece", Maria Sfakianaki, head of Environmental Center of Archanes
"Enviromental Education in Czech Republic", Irena Kroftova, head of Youth and Sport department
"Enviroment & students", Alena Vitakova, teacher of University of Brno
School Activities
Press Release for 6th Meeting
Press Release 6 - Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete
6th Comenius-Regio meeting (Czech Republic)
Thursday 3/7/2014
19.30: Arrival to Prag, going to Pilsen by minibus and accomodation at the hotel
Friday 4/7/2014
9.00: Departure from the hotel, going to Horšovský Týn
11.00 – 11.30: Welcome meeting at the municipal authority in Horšovský Týn by the mayor. Josef Holeček, with the participation of Jaroslav Šobr, member of The Council of The Pilsner Region and Iva Hořanová, member of The Regional Government of The Pilsner Region
11.30 – 17.00: Visit and meeting at The Vocational School Horšovský Týn, presentation of the school – Václav Švarc, school director and presentation of The Regional Authority – Jaroslava Havlíčková, chief of The Department of Education, Youth and Sport visit of SmallAgricultural Farm in Horšov - Zoo, Hunting Castle, lunch in School Pension „V Oboře“ (www.sos-souhtyn.cz)
between 14.00 – 17.00: Sightseeing tour of the Horšovský Týn Castle (www.horsovsky-tyn.cz)
after 17.00: Arrival in Pilsen
Saturday 5/7/2014
11:00 – 13.00: Visit of Techmania Science Center (www.techmania.cz)
13.00 – 18.00: meeting and lunch at the Purkmistr restaurant (www.purkmistr.cz)
Sunday 6/7/2014
10.00 – 17.00: Visit of the Leisure Time Center Horažďovice (www.ddm-hd.cz)
Monday 7/7/2014
Project Dissemination Brochure
You can download the project dissemination brochure for offline viewing in PDF format.
Exhibition of children's paintings
Our little students have studied forms of alternative tourism such as agritourism, cultural tourism and naturalist tourism while imprinting their knowledge and thoughts through paintings, using various materials.
Beach cleaning on the World Enviroment Day
On the World Enviroment Day small pupils, parents and teachers cleaned the beach at Fodele, in an action towards strengthening the awareness of the children for the environment.
Project Team
The project team of "Environmental Tourism – Alternative Ways", Comenius-Regio is a team whose members belong to all associated partners of each region and their functions are assigned to corresponding activities of the project.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete
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The Pilsen Region
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