Ευρωπαϊκά Προγράμματα Περ/κης Δν/σης Εκπ/σης Κρήτης

Προωθητές Ευρ. Προγ/των



The concrete objectives:

a) to design a pedagogical model of intervention concerning the raising of the motivation for learning among social and economic disadvantage groups of adults, especially 50+ and on how they can work with children.

b) to develop skills and abilities of the disadvantaged groups of adults in handmade objects, multimedia, ICT, communication in foreign languages in order to be able to integrate themselves in the social life and also to help children without families or institutionalized to be integrated in the normal life;

c) to promote the intercultural dialogue through centres of information and workshops and e-inclusion at the European level;

d) to set international clubs where the target groups, the trainers, trainees and local authorities can promote the intercultural education;

e) to raise the professional performance of the trainers and organizations in the field of the adult education.


- Subjects/problems we address to:

a) Reducing the intergenerational gap through networkings for a better social integration;

b) Promoting I.C.T. and multimedia for a better life;

c) New methodologies of working with adults;

d) Culture and traditions – intercultural education.


- Approaches to achieve the objectives:

a) The activities are concentrated on playing. Setting national and international contests among the adults concerning audiovisual didactic materials for children will draw the attention of the adults towards their own talent and imagination to be mixed with the abilities of making objects such as puppets, and comics and short films. They will love to play, sing and make different toys for children. They will also be aware of what they can make for a future life – their and others’ lives. The adults will be concentrated on the optimistic part of life. They will feel they are useful. Direct communication is assured.

b) Foreign languages and I.C.T. courses will help the target groups to keep in touch during and after the project activities;

c) We will promote the activities through conferences and seminars in such a way that they will be known and asked by schools, local authorities, parents-teachers associations and other factors interested in integration of the target groups in a normal life.